About a year and a half ago
I made a choice that changed my life. I was at a point where I had
had given up on life. Although I had repented of my sins. I was
trying to go to church when I could and I wanted God in my life I
could not find a way to break free of the things that kept pulling me
away from God. I was ready to end my own life. That evening I spent
all night talking with one of my best friends. I finally went to
sleep and I woke up more than just physically but mentally. I knew at
that point I needed help. My first thought was to see a Dr. and they
gave me some drugs to help me. All the drugs did is keep me from
getting really depressed they didn't make me happy and they didn't solve my problem. It was then that I knew what I had to do. I had to
give my life to God. By this I do not mean that I suddenly dropped
everything and became a pastor. What I did is I gave up control of my
life to God. I stopped trying to make everything go the way I thought
it should. I began to pray, Admitting to god and myself that I have
had control for too long and all I'm doing is making a mess of
things. I said “God I cannot do this anymore, I do not want to do
this anymore, my problems are too big for me, I've made a mess of
things and I don't want to be this way anymore, I surrender myself to
you wholly and completely. My life is no longer my own but it is
yours to do with as you please.” I would love to be able to tell
you there was a bright light and God spoke back to me but there
wasn't. What there was, was a feeling of the weight of the world that
rested on my shoulders begin to get a little lighter. As I began to
learn to listen to and obey God my Life began to improve. He brought
together with Melissa and through her I found Joy, Love and Faith.
Through my Back injury I have found understanding and peace. Being
saved Does not make you a good christian. For the term Christian
means “Christ like” you must give yourself to god and live a life
of Love.
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