Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Humanity of Jesus

The humility of Christ is beyond the humility of any man, for he gave up godly power. He separated Himself from His divine nature and became a servant as a man (Philippians 2: 6-7). In his selflessness, He gave himself for all the world. In Philippians 2:5(NIV)” In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus” Paul encourages us to be like-minded with Christ.

Being like-minded with Christ in his humility, selflessness, and Love for others is the foundation of being a follower of Christ. We should be critical of our own faults, but ready to quickly forgive the faults of others. Our humility should be evident through our compassion to all others not just our fellow Christians. Christians sometimes overlook humility as the most important virtue. We fail to make humility the central part of our life, we sometimes let the material things in the world take charge of our lives. We shouldn't get caught up in the attitude that we need the newest car, the latest fashion, or the nicest home so that everyone will know how successful we are. What does being humble look like? Instead of just giving the guy standing on the street corner asking for money a buck. Stop and take the time to learn his story and show true compassion for him and try to really help him. By doing this you give him value and you humble yourself. Let him see the true love of Jesus through your actions.

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